MECH 1907 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering - 3 Credits
Introduction to the field of Aerospace engineering, discussion of basic aerospace systems and disciplines, working vocabulary of the field. Basic concepts. Demonstration through examples.
MECH 3620 Aircraft Design - 3 Credits
Students will work in teams to develop a conceptual design for a complete flight vehicle, using knowledge and skills acquired in the Aerospace Engineering Major curriculum. Specific considerations will include market conditions, mission requirements, aircraft size and layout, airfoil/wing geometry, aerodynamics, engine selection, airframe-engine integration, fuselage design, electrical and hydraulic systems, landing gear arrangement, flight stability and control, structures and materials, avionics and navigation systems, human factors, safety, manufacturing processes, and cost analysis. The teams will present their proposed designs via oral presentations and written reports.

UGC Teaching Award 2021
Prof. Rhea Patricia LIEM, Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), received the University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award 2021 under the category of Early Career Faculty Members today, in recognition of her dedication and outstanding teaching performance.

SENG Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2020-2021
Prof. Liem has received the School of Engineering (SENG) Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2020-21. The SENG Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award is presented annually to a maximum of four faculty members who are able to demonstrate consistent excellence in undergraduate teaching, foster students’ interest in advanced subject matter, and develop innovative pedagogical methods to enhance engineering education for undergraduate students.